Students Encouraging Environmental Dedication at Marist

Students Encouraging Environmental Dedication

社会 & 服务俱乐部



bet亚洲365欢迎投注 Our Organization Image of outdoor scenery.

SEED seeks to encourage environmental respect, 友好, and dedication through the appreciation of nature by educating members on current and local environmental issues. 此外, SEED tries to serve as a voice for Marist students as an advocate for progressive sustainable development for the bet亚洲365欢迎投注 campus and the greater community at large.

It is our hope to instill and foster our member’s love for the environment through exposure to outdoor activities such as the fern tour, 徒步旅行, 河清理, 摘苹果, 滑冰, 和更多的.


联席总裁: Samantha Roberts and Caitlin Cullather

  • Manages club budget allocations, sends out club emails, creates PowerPoint presentations, 组织活动

副总裁: 加布里埃尔·卡斯蒂略 

  • Sends out club emails, creates PowerPoint presentations, sends out attendance sheets, 组织活动

财务主管: 阿曼达·李 

  • Manages club budgets allocations, creates PowerPoint presentations, 发送电子邮件, 组织活动

社会 Media Manager: 娜塔莉亚米 

  • Manages the social media account, creates PowerPoint presentations, note-taker for general member idea selections, 组织活动


Meetings are not traditional due to the nature of our organization. Rather than weekly meetings, officers instead spend a great deal of time organizing events and initiatives for members and any student to attend or take part in. We host a general meeting, 一开始, to introduce the board, explain SEED’s mission, discuss upcoming events/community service opportunities, explain how priority points work, and remark on positive current events happening in the environment. 

优先级分 through 俱乐部 and Activities

To earn one (1) point: Members must attend a minimum of 50% of club/organization meetings for the semester and 50% of club/organization activities.

To earn two (2) points: Members must attend a minimum of 50% of club/organization meetings for the semester and 75% of club/organization activities + the community service event.

To earn three (3) points (executive board only): Officers must attend 50% of club meetings for the semester and 100% of club activities including community service. If executive board members do not complete all of the requirements to earn three points, they will be eligible to receive up to two points based on the above criteria.

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